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Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado

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Free Citizen Workshop

  • 29 Jun 2019
  • 1287 Lake Plaza Drive

The Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) of Southern Colorado is organizing a free citizenship workshop specifically for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) immigrants which will be held in Colorado Springs on June 29, 2019. This citizenship program supports permanent residents to become citizens of the United States through citizenship workshops. They bring in qualified attorneys who volunteer their time to help people prepare their applications. 

Location: 1287 Lake Plaza Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906

For further information, please contact

About us

The Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado is a non-profit educational and cultural organization promoting increased awareness, education, and understanding between the citizens of Southern Colorado and Japan.  Learn about the History of the JASSC.

Become a member

Join with other enthusiasts and participate in the language, foods, and activities with the opportunity to learn the culture of Japan.

Board of Directors

 President  Wayne Stout
 Vice President  Jennifer Basco
 Secretary  Eric Basco
 Treasurer  Laura Villagrana
 Membership  Kaz Nagai
 Communications  Rayna Lindsey
 IT/Facebook  Ralph Archuleta
 At Large  Uriko Stout
 Kathy Kidd
 Seiko Cammack
Intern  Maeve Gennett
 Joe Nelson





© Japan-America Society of Southern Colorado. 
JASSC is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization.

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