Thank you Josie Caruso-Rathe and Kayoko Jennings for organizing this tasty event.
Japanese comfort food that can be purchased at local stores like King Soopers, Safeway, etc.
Miso Shiru (Miso soup)
Oyako Donburi (Chicken-'n-Egg on Rice)
Tempura (Deep Fried Vegetables & Shrimp)
Aemono Jinja (Salad with Ginger Dressing)
Mushi Manju (Azuki-Red Bean Cakes)
Chef—Josie Caruso-Rathe with assistant
Number of participants—20
Cost—members $15 & nonmembers $30 (please bring check or cash-exact amount, if possible)
Date—Sat., May 23, 2015
Time—11:00 a.m. to about 2-2:30 p.m. (we clean up after cooking & eating)
Bring—if you wish, bring an apron, a knife, and container(s) for leftovers
RSVP—Wed., May 20, Kathy Kidd email, phone 528-8597 I will confirm by email and send a reminder 2-3 days before the event. If the class is full, I will email you about being on the "wait list."
Have to cancel?—call Kathy Kidd as soon as possible so those on the "wait list" can be contacted, thank you in advance
Location—(this area has limited parking)
The cooking class will be held at the kitchen of a “Community Center” located on a private driveway named Lindenwood Court. (It is on the same block as Dogtooth Coffee Company 505 Columbia Street--NW corner of North Corona & Columbia St.)
Directions—It is located in a 2 large block community close to downtown Colorado Springs. To reach the Community Center from I-25 take the Uintah exit and go east crossing several streets including Cascade Avenue, Nevada Avenue and Wahsatch Avenue. The street after Wahsatch is North Corona. Turn north (left) onto North Corona and go 2 long city blocks to East Columbia. Turn east (right) onto Columbia St. and Lindenwood Court (brown sign for a private street) will be on the right ~ ¾ of the way to the next cross street (which is Royer). Parking is limited on Lindenwood Court and on Royer. Walk into the Community Center, a green 2 story Craftsman style building.
If you have any trouble finding the Community Center on the day of the event, call Kathy Kidd cell 321-1425.
We hope to see you there, come hungry.